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The Responsibilities of the Angler



As humans, we have the largest impact on living systems of any species, and therefore we must take care when we interact with these systems.  Streams, lakes, estuaries, bays, and oceans exist in a fragile balance, that if we are careful, can be enjoyed not only by us, but by our decendants.  This doesn't mean we can't occationall harvest a an animal from the ecosystem, but it does mean that we must understand how removing that animal will affect the ecosystem.  Predators like wolves and sharks naturally bound the population of  the species they prey upon to what the environment can support.  People must use a little brain-power to do the same, keep only fish that the environment can afford to loose, let the survivors go-they have won the battle with their environment, therefore so will their offspring (with luck). Sometimes doing the long-range right thing is painful, but we don't own the environment-we only watch over it for our children. Every angler must use their own judgement and apply their own morals, basically don't kill without thinking about the result first.  AND REMEMBER-YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO KEEP FISH TO PROVE YOUR CATCH-PICTURES WITH RULERS WORK JUST AS WELL TO REMEMBER THE EXPERIENCE (provided you have any credibility).

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Here are a couple of examples of how I do things.  How would you answer?  
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